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    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "searchinfo": {
            "totalhits": 2
        "search": [
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "BildungsWiki:GNU-Lizenz, lokale Kopie",
                "pageid": 1600,
                "size": 20775,
                "wordcount": 3304,
                "snippet": "no effect on the <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> of this License.\n",
                "timestamp": "2007-05-30T17:30:24Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Hamlet",
                "pageid": 1494,
                "size": 23959,
                "wordcount": 3659,
                "snippet": "\u2026von Hamlet zu erkennen. Obwohl es selbst dem Tranius d\u00e4mmert:\u201eHe hath some <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> in his mad attire\u201c und die Diener es begriffen haben; Nathaniel: \u201cPeter, ha\n",
                "timestamp": "2007-11-28T11:43:43Z"